Ascend or descend, the choice is yours
There is Spiritual Law that offers rules of engagement to being human. From the beginning of time, humans have chosen whether or not to abide by these laws or not. Choosing to ascend or choosing to descend. Either way, time keeps us moving forward.
Come what may
The meaning at a deeper look of “Come what may” and why Macbeth is the example of how not to live.
A Stoics Meditation of Evils
The Stoics ancient practice of Premeditatio Malorum, which is an exercise of meditating on all that could go wrong. It is a way of preparing one for the evils, negatives and pains of things going the worst possible way they potentially go. This is an ancient practice of self protection. According to the Law of Attraction, perhaps this practice is better left to the ancient Stoics.
happiness is an inside job
The art of happiness lies within us. It is the thoughts, beliefs, ideas, expectations, memories that we constantly tell ourselves. Become aware of this, take control over your mind, find lasting happiness.
ripple effect
We all have the ability to affect someone or something out side of ourselves. This is your ripple effect. Some have a huge ripple effect, others have a small one. However big, an impact left on someone else is what matters, as that person then has there own ripple on others. Never underestimate the impact you have, they have, we all have. It could change someone whole day or whole life.
Kali- a love story
Kali is fierce. Kali is violent. Kaii stands for destruction of all things evil and unjust in the world. But she is also a mother. She is a lover. Kali’s story is a love story, beyond the fierceness lies love.
Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem, seize the day. Dare to be great! If not today, when? Dig deep into courage and bravery, this day may be the only day! That hold of the day, the moment and pour your heart, soul and actions into it.
The Golden Shadow
Inspired by Carl Jung’s Golden Shadow and Depth Psychology. We are all familiar with the dark shadow, the “dark night of the soul”. However, just as there is darkness, there is light. This light, is the Golden Shadow, where we hide our selves, our passions, interests, dreams, desires because we are afraid of what others may think of us. Fear keeps us in our own Golden Shadow.
Waves of Emotions
Poem inspired by the human experience. Emotions come and go, rise and fall, are ever constant. We must learn to ride the waves of emotions.
Child and Grasshopper
A poem inspired by a child’s imagination, sweet nature, will and playfulness.
The 3 Karmas in Analogy
What is Eastern Philosophy without a good metaphor?! This article further explains the 3 Karmas with the bow and arrow metaphor.