Intensive Sessions
“Intensives are your own individual retreat”
Take out the fluff in between the normal time of weekly sessions, condense it together, breathe and let magic happen.
Intensives are your own individual retreat... with the only focus being YOU and your own growth and leveling up process!
Intensives are for people who are ready to fully commit to diving head-first into exploring the Self and discovering the unlimited potential that lies in deep self work.
Intensives are POWERFUL! It is the moment you commit to fully deep diving into creating a new you and discovering the unlimited potential that lies in deep self work. Intensives are for people who are ready for lasting CHANGE!
what to expect
2-5 days in a row
2-5 hour sessions each day
Somatic therapy
introspective journaling
Personalized tools
This experience is the ultimate form of breaking the habit of being yourself and stepping into the version you dream of being, no fluff, just focus and self dedication!
Intensive options
2-5 consecutive days with 2-5 hours in-session during each day. We will use a handful of practices and techniques that are catered to your unique journey and experience. During the introductory phases, we can determine scheduling and location. We can schedule your intensive sessions at my location, somewhere you choose, or online via telehealth.
2-5 consecutive days. 2-5 hours in-session each day.
Family intensive
Family intensives are highly effective when really wanting to jumpstart towards the issue at hand. Intensives are not your normal week to week therapy… you get to dive in using unique modalities designed for your families needs for your personal needs.
This is such a unique offering for your family to experience a whole different way of help/support. Together we will decide a plan for what your family intensive session look like.
Just the word gives me chills!!! Intensives!! Reminds me of the Lion King, the scene when the hyenas are saying how they hate lions and Scar shows up to say, "surely not all lions are bad" and the hyenas reply, "oh Scar it's just you, we were afraid it was someone important, like Mufasa!" Scar- "I see" Hyena "now that's power!" "Yeah, I just hear that name and I shudder" "MUFASA" "OHHH OHHH, DO IT AGAIN" MUFASA MUFASA MUFASA!!!" "OHHH OHHH OOOOHHHHH!"
Ya feel me?
REady to get Started?