happiness is an inside job

A friend of mine recently sent a photo, with the subscript “Happiness is an inside job”. At first glance, my attention was drawn to the objects, surroundings and what was happening in the photo itself… which all gave evidence of his statement. My thought in reply to his photo was “I would be happy there too.” 

I noted that I was honored he was thinking of me in such a place, and even more so that he sent a photo of it to me. He again replied “Happiness in an inside job. XX”. 

You see, the first time I missed the meaning of his subscript. The second time it all made sense. He was not sending me a photo for me to see the objects, surroundings and what was happening in the photo. He was sending me a reminder that our state of mind is key to our happiness. 

This is the practice. 

This is the ART of HAPPINESS. 

It is not what is happening outside, but what is happening inside. 

“What we think, we become.” -Buddha

“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life” -Proverbs 4:23

The power of your thoughts is one of the strongest forces on this planet. Your thoughts have the power to create the life you live, and are doing so right now. They can make you or break you. 
We are not raised to be conscious of our thinking mind, our inner narrative, our story maker, the one who is constantly breaking down every single moment of every single nano second of our living experience as humans. 

Training yourself to notice your thoughts takes practice, time, effort and good friends/support to remind you to pay attention. It takes fortitude and constant work. This is why it is a practice, it is not passive in nature because it requires action

It’s like looking out of a window while driving a car, we don’t pay attention to the windshield, we are trained to simply look through it. Mindfulness is the practice of observing the glass, the filter through which everything passes through. 

A fish is not aware of the water it swims in. Humans have the ability of metacognition, which gives us the power to be aware of the water we swim in, we have choice and control

With awareness, we can stop, notice our inner dialogue, decide if it is helping or hurting our desired way of feeling, being, living. We can swim to a new part of the ocean. 

I am reminded of another time that I relied on a good friend. I was having a panic moment as my world seemed to be, yet again, crashing down around me. He simply and matter of factly said, “Summer, you don’t have control of what someone else is doing. You only have control over what you are doing.” Damn it!!! I know this and yet again I was swept into the illusion of what my ego would have me believe, which is usually very close to some fear in these moments of feeling like the world is shattering. At that moment, I snapped out of it, took a deep breath and sat down. The ego is based on past conditioning, memories and lower realities of separation. It is not based in the present moment, in the Higher Self realities, or in the Soul's desired way of being and living. 

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius

This ancient knowledge is not new. Since the beginning of higher order thinkers, this topic has been examined and discussed. However much we know, it is important that we note this very important detail to being a human…  it is our nature to “look through the glass”, forgetting that it exists. That is why we need good friends and/or support to remind us. Being a human has many complexities. These complexities range from the dark, ugliness to the bright, happiness of being alive. They are all within our experience of living, but the power to choose which one you're going to stay in is yours and yours alone. Become aware of the water you are currently swimming in. 

I will leave you with these quotes, from our great leaders of thought…

“Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions — not outside.” – Marcus Aurelius

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Seneca

“It is impossible that happiness, and yearning for what is not present, should ever be united.” – Epictetus

And last, but not least, one of my favorite quotes…

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” – Aristotle


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