living an empowered life
Are you ready to
Overcome obstacles
Our greatest obstacles are the ones you can’t see. The ones that live within our psyche, our body and our behaviors. To move beyond limitations, it takes work to discover the unseen and to create a new way of being.
Take control of your life
This is no small feat. Taking control your life means you are no longer succumbing to the subconscious that would have you live small. It means your are ready to live BIG. This requires ACTION and commitment. Life has a way of unfolding with or without your participation… you choose who drives the vehicle, consciously or unconsciously the vehicle is moving.
create your future
This is where the magic lies!! This is where you realize you have the power and you truly get to be the creator. This is the moment life yells YES!!!! This is when you now get to shift from past you to future you… the one you have deeply desired to be but didn’t know how to be it or maybe didn’t even know how to acknowledge it!!
This is where you break free from obstacles, take actions and CREATE!
a journey of self discovery
We can all agree that life is hard. No one escapes life’s challenges, no one is outside of stress, emotional pain, childhood wounds or an over active thinking mind that races day and night.
The important thing is what we do with these hardships and challenges. This takes learning how to overcome them and be stronger for them. It takes self awareness, resiliency and a commitment to self discovery, meaning and purpose. It takes courage.
Agami Karma Therapy offers VIRTUAL sessions

The process of SELF EMPOWERMENT is the process of discovering YOURSELF, away from what others think you would be, could be or should be.
It becomes the ultimate form of self care and self love practice that is based on your desires, not others.
Highly experienced
Spiritual coach trained
in psychotherapy
“Over the years, I have witnessed clients coming into my office with depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, anger, grief, with extreme pain, disconnection, sadness and trauma. I have also witnessed clients ending sessions with joy, ease, strength, balance, peace, confidence and a greater sense of purpose, meaning and connection.”
-Summer Jean
Summer is knowledgeable and highly experienced in transforming pain to pleasure, suffering to joy, and imbalance to balance.
You will learn practical tools for how to meet mental illness, stress, difficult life circumstances, major transition periods and traumatic events.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation
Empowerment Sessions
These sessions have a special focus towards the future Self that you are desiring to step into. Through your own empowerment sessions you will discover the yearning of who you have always wanted to be. Together we develop a plan for becoming that person.
Integration Therapy
Integration sessions are a series 4-6 sessions focused on applying and learning to embody the insights, understandings and AH-HA moments POST an intensive experience, such as a training, retreat, ceremony, medicine journey.
Intensive sessions
Intensive sessions are truly where the magic lives. These session take out the distractions that very often take away from ones own healing and empowerment process. The depth and self growth of these sessions are truly unlimited. Intensives are focused sessions up 2-5 hours a day for 3-5 days a week.
psychotherapy sessions
Psychotherapy sessions work at your own comfort and pace. Through these sessions you will gain a greater perspective of life and how you fit in it. There is much to explore within the complexities of a human life. This includes exploring your family systems, deep woundings, core beliefs, and aspects of the Ego that may be holding you back.

Therapy does not have to be focused on trauma, mental illness or addictions. There are times in life when all we need is a tune up, a little direction or extra support that helps get us back on track. If you find yourself in search of something or in need of support, Agami Karma Therapy has the tools for you to find contentment, clarity, a deeper sense of purpose and well being.
What my clients have to say

Ready to discover your true self and actualize your ultimate potential?
Schedule a free introduction call with Summer today